Philly Ranked 4th-Best Pizza Town in America, Though Ranking System is Hopelessly Flawed

Travel + Leisure has ranked Philly the 4th-best pizza town in America! Pizza Brain and Nomad were cited as evidence. That’s all well and good, but take it with a grain of salt (or oregano! ey!). Because it’s one of the stupidest food lists ever compiled (and Philly mag knows foods lists). First of all, America’s best pizza town–New Haven–is not included on account of its size (about 130,000). Yet Providence, where I’ve lived, and which certainly does not deserve its #2 ranking, has only 50,000 more residents.

Second of all, the list includes commentary like this, which tells you all you need to know about its merits: “Boston [#5] also offers proof that there is some correlation between a city’s great pizzas and its degree of team fanaticism: Boston won the second-place spots for both sports bars and sports-crazed fans.”


[Travel + Leisure]