Miss Delaware Teen USA Resigns, Denies Sex Tape

Ick. Yuck. Gross. But here it is: Gawker is reporting that Melissa King, Miss Delaware Teen USA, has resigned “amid claims that she appeared in a pornographic movie shortly after her 18th birthday last year.”

Gawker received an anonymous tip this morning that said a video originally found on the “real amateur girls” website GirlsDoPorn.com (NSFW, obviously) starred King. In the clip, a woman who resembles King says that she turned 18 three months ago—”In March”—before telling an off-camera interviewer that she decided to go into porn because she needed the money. The woman then says she participates in beauty pageants, though she doesn’t reveal in which state she competes.

Delaware Online reports that King is denying she’s the person on the tape:

King, contacted Monday, said she was aware of it, but denied it was her.

“Absolutely not,” she said. “It is not.”

Of the porn site’s claim, she said, “There are comments saying this, however, it’s not comments that are true.”