Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews Wants You To Choose Its Next Billboard
Thus continues Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews’ neverending quest to stay hip.
Starting today through March 6th, Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews will be hosting a Billboard Contest. For all you strong-jawed Peanut Chews fans, they’re asking you to create a headline of 10 words or less that ties the chocolate-peanut treat to its Philadelphia roots.
Big winner gets his or her slogan plastered on a billboard off I-95, near Goldenberg’s Northeast Philly HQ. For some context on the company’s various branding adventures, read my colleague Annie Monjar’s piece “The Second Coming of Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews.” Below, for good measure, is one of their more recent spots from the “outta sight” “Chewing it Old School” campaign. [Foobooz]