Former Council Campaign Manager Charged With Theft
It keeps getting worse for Council Member Blondell Reynolds Brown. First it was revealed that she paid personal debts out of her campaign funds—an ethical no-no. Now her former campaign manager, John McDaniel, has been charged with also stealing $100,000 from that account:
“Mr. McDaniel was the treasurer of the councilperson’s campaign account, the information charges that he withdrew funds through ATM withdrawals and bank account withdrawals and also at times wrote checks to himself and progressive agenda a political action committee he controlled and got funds in that respect,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Gray.
McDaniel apparently had a lot of sources of income. Remember, he was working a patronage job at the Philadelphia International Airport until Brown’s scandal came to light—he’s also collected tens of thousands of dollars working for political action committees in town. [Newsworks]