The Internet Loved, Hated Beyonce’s Super Bowl Halftime Show
If you weren’t watching Downton Abbey last night, chances are you were one of the 110 million people who tuned in to watch Super Bowl 2013 (the Roman numerals thing is so cumbersome). Beyonce’s dazzling Super Bowl halftime performance, which included lots of leather and a pyrotechnic guitar, was the subject of much debate on social media. Here, a sampling of the love and hate from Twitter and Facebook.
Beyonce Reviews on Twitter
Jennifer Choplin, Chef:
What do Beyonce haters do so well for a living? Not flip your hair and shake your booty for a paycheck, that’s what.
— Jennifer Choplin (@JenniferChoplin) February 4, 2013
Dan DeLuca, Inquirer music critic:
Right, why did she have time to rehearse for this, but not for Obama? RT @steveayscue#Beyonce showed #NFL more respect than the President. — Dan DeLuca (@delucadan) February 4, 2013
Jennaphr Frederick, Good Day Philadelphia co-host:
“@schwaid: Ok, not sure any halftime show was better than beyonce. #beyoceinleather” AMEN … — jenn frederick (@JennFredFOX29) February 4, 2013
Kylie Flett, Publicist:
.@beyonce is a tough bitch & looks 6’5 in those heels. She should probably start for the 49ers this half #SuperBeyonce #SuperBowl2013 — Kylie Flett (@KylieLee83) February 4, 2013
Annie Heckenberger, Red Tettemer VP:
Maybe they can play by the light of Beyonce’s halo. — Annie Heckenberger (@anniemal) February 4, 2013
Sharon Pinkenson, Philadelphia Film Office:
Beyonce is a gift.Need I say more? — Sharon Pinkenson (@pinkerina) February 4, 2013
Wanda Sykes, Part-time Media resident:
“@hotnote: “@iamwandasykes: Best Superbowl Halftime show that I can remember!” Springsteen? The Who? Prince?” Beyonce wins! — Official Wanda Sykes (@iamwandasykes) February 4, 2013
Shane Victorino, Phillies:
Beyonce=AMAZING!!!!! — Shane Victorino (@ShaneVictorino) February 4, 2013
Chris Stigall, 1210 AM:
If Beyonce wore that to Obama’s inauguration, I’d have watched.#SB47Halftime — Chris Stigall (@ChrisStigall) February 4, 2013
Kate Beaver, Hair O’ the Dog dress-wearer:
Rooting for Beyonce and me!!! (I placed bets!) #SuperBowl #Ididntmakethiscake — Kate Beaver (@katybeaver) February 3, 2013
HughE Dillon,
For some reason this years Beyonce performance at the Super Bowl has more hype than Madonna’s or Janet’s. Wait til @ladygaga‘s time — February 3, 2013
Jim Kenney, City Councilman:
Beyonce was a Siren in a past life! The Greeks crashed their ships at her sight and sound! — CouncilmanJimKenney (@JimFKenney) February 4, 2013
Amy Quinn,
Seriously dudes, easy on the pyro. There’s a lot of hair on that stage! #Beyonce — Amy Z. Quinn (@AmyZQuinn) February 4, 2013
Lisa Scottoline, Author:
@beyonce is the most talented person in the universe, ever.#Superbowl — Lisa Scottoline (@LisaScottoline) February 4, 2013
Mary Radzinski, Comedian:
Betcha she can absolutely ruin a bathroom. #beyonce #superbowl — Mary Radzinski (@MaryRadzinski) February 4, 2013
Beyonce Reviews On Facebook
Meanwhile, the discussion over on the Binders Full of Women page was particularly spirited: