David Boreanaz Would Like You to Remember Bradley Cooper Is Not the Only Handsome Actor from Philadelphia

It’s probably unfortunate for Philly homeboy David Boreanaz—once of Buffy, now of Bones—to find himself featured in the Inquirer the same day Philly homeboy Bradley Cooper was nominated for an Oscar. More awkward: That Boreanaz openly proclaims his jealousy of Cooper:  “I get so jealous seeing Bradley Cooper shooting Silver Linings Playbook with Robert De Niro,” Boreanaz tells the paper. “I’d love to shoot something like that that captures the Philadelphia heart. I appreciate the city a lot.” Despite his TV success, though, movie fame is more elusive: A film he just shot, he says, is in “limited release,” then going straight to DVD. It’s kind of a sad, awkward interview. Oh, David. You’re perfect the way you are. For Philadelphia, you’re the Bradley Cooper of broadcast television! [Inquirer]