Renee Chenault-Fattah for Philadelphia Mayor!
Seemingly out of nowhere, the local media has decided that it’s time for a woman mayor in Philadelphia. Forget that the next election isn’t for three years, both the Philadelphia Daily News and Philadelphia magazine have called for some estrogen in the 2015 campaign. The Daily News wrote an unusually long article campaigning for Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown to be our next mayor. Philadelphia magazine tried to draft Montco congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, who gave the question the attention it deserved by saying, “Yeah sure, whatever.” That may not be a direct quote.
The entire exercise of trying to force a woman into the process three years out seems silly, especially since both publications ignored the best candidate: Renee Chenault-Fattah. Now I don’t mean to sound like a kid in the playground, but my woman candidate can beat up both your women candidates with one hand tied behind her back.
Let’s start with the obvious reason she is the best choice to run: name recognition. I have seen the research. About 85 percent of the people in the area know Renee’s name and like her. Blondell Reynolds Brown and Allyson Schwartz together could not come close to that number. In fact, not one of the male candidates speculated to run could come close to that number. It would give Renee Chenault-Fattah a huge advantage at the starting block.
Renee majored in political science at John Hopkins University, has a law degree from Penn, and earned a journalism degree from the University of Missouri. I co-anchored with Renee at NBC 10 from 1997 to 2003, and I can attest to the fact that she is wicked smart. Her areas of expertise: law and politics. Her passion: her family and education.
Not one of the candidates currently mentioned can beat Renee in a televised debate. Her debating skills are something else I can personally attest to; obviously, she is more than comfortable in front of a camera. She is also successful on the speaking circuit—from galas to backyard barbecues—and ready for the rigors of a campaign. She has been deeply involved in the community and has covered every big story and mastered every issue in the Philadelphia area after anchoring here for almost two decades.
Renee is married to congressman and former mayoral candidate Chaka Fattah who can help with fund-raising, organization and endorsements. A “Who’s Who” of political power brokers have made the Fattah living room a priority stop in Philadelphia for the past decade. Renee has had the opportunity to charm each and every one of them.
We all know Renee’s personal story—her conviction to become a mother against all odds and the happily ever after story of her marriage to Chaka. It is a story that transcends demographic and ideological boundaries and touches us all.
She is a strong, smart woman, and a wonderful mother and wife, who cares deeply about Philadelphia. It is no wonder that PoliticsPA listed her as one of “Pennsylvania’s Most Politically Powerful Women.”
Since both Philadelphia magazine and the DN have ventured into the nominating business, I present to you my nominee for the first woman mayor of Philadelphia: Renee Chenault Fattah. You know, this is such a good idea, this just might happen. All I want is an invite to the inaugural ball.