Win Free Tickets to Beyonce at Revel In Atlantic City [UPDATED]
Yes. You read that headline right. I know that earlier this week, I published a review of my rather lackluster weekend experience at Revel. But after speaking with casino management today, I am pretty confident that they are taking this very seriously and are in the process of making big changes. I also convinced them to give up a pair of tickets to see Beyonce at Revel on Monday, May 28th at 9 p.m. Want to win them? Locked inside my desk is a piece of paper with a whole number written on it. It’s greater than 0 and less than 100,000. Email me your guess in the subject line of an email to:
Send your entry by 3 p.m. on Thursday. One entry per person. The winner is the person who gets the exact number or closest to it. In the event of a tie, I’ll decide the winner from among the tied entries at random. The winner will be notified by noon on Friday. Be sure to include your full name and daytime phone number in the body of the email. The tickets are non-transferable, and they will be held at Will Call.
Good luck!
Note that I give away great stuff like this every week in my Weekender newsletter, which comes out on Wednesday afternoons. To subscribe, go here.
UPDATE: The secret number was 25, both because her first show at Revel is on May 25th and also because Beyonce was 25 when she did this. Two people guessed 25 on the nose, and the lucky winner is Anne D. of Philadelphia, who is going to see Beyonce on Monday night. Have a blast!