Philadelphia Going for Guinness World Record for Longest Soul Train Line Gang
In honor of the life of Don Cornelius, the Soul Train host who died last week of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, and in light of Philly not being able to let those suckers up in New York try to get one up on us, it looks like we’re going to attempt the world’s longest Soul Train line gang on Monday at lunchtime, coinciding with Cornelius’ funeral in Los Angeles. The location has yet to be nailed down (it’s between Love Park and the Art Museum), but one organizer told me that the $750 fast-track permit fee has been paid thanks to private donations. I’m told that the Mayor’s office and Kenny Gamble have expressed their support, and something tells me that Questlove is going to be getting into the mix on this one. Apparently, the current Guinness record is 211 dancers, which seems pretty pathetic. So, Philly, yes: We can do this. Want in? Join the party on Facebook.