Why is the GOP in Bed with the Ex-Gay Movement Anyway?

Mitt Romney has donated to reparative therapy groups

It seemed like maybe Michele Bachmann, former presidential candidate, may have been one of the few rising Republican stars who actually bought into the whole ex-gay movement – besides Rick Santorum, of course. But after Mitt Romney released his tax filings recently, it was disclosed that he, too, supports the reparative therapy (or “pray the gay away”) movement. Considered by many to be the frontrunner of the Republican presidential race right now, the fact that Romney has supported the Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI), which supports this quack therapy, should be a red flag for conservative gay voters everywhere.

That’s right – MFI backs organizations like Exodus International, which claims that homosexuality can be cured. The group also classifies transgender people as “sexual predators.”

Rachel Maddow sheds more light on the discovery and chats with the executive director of Truth Wins Out, an advocacy organization that seeks to debunk ex-gay myths.

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