Pat Robertson: Gay is a Choice

The 700 Club host tells a parent that he can straighten out his kid

It may not come as a surprise that Pat Robertson, the host of The 700 Club, has once again spoken out against the LGBT community. This time, he tells a father that he can encourage his openly gay son to “un-acquire” homosexuality. While Robertson admitted that he doesn’t know “all about the genes and genetics,” he’s certain that being gay is a choice. He and Newt Gingrich would have plenty to talk about.

“Normally speaking, a person who has acquired this can un-acquire it,” said Robertson. “We’ve had people who have indeed left the homosexual lifestyle and gone into a heterosexual relationship and have been very, very happy.”

Robertson’s been making plenty of “no-homo” headlines this month. He criticized President Obama’s breakthrough pledge to use foreign aid to promote LGBT rights around the world. “The country cannot continue to violate God’s principles and to make a mockery of his laws,” said Robertson, “and think we’re gonna get away with it.”

And we wonder where people get the idea to bully and discriminate against gay people.

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