Virginia Tech Shooting Looks Like Murder-Suicide
Yesterday’s Virginia Tech Shooting Looks Like Murder-Suicide. Evidence indicates that yesterday’s shooting on the campus of Virginia Tech occurred when a gunman shot and killed a police officer before turning the gun on himself. The school was shut down for most of the afternoon as a result of safety precautions put in place after the 2007 massacre on the same campus. Police have not yet established motive and have not ruled out that the officer was specifically targeted. [Inquirer]
School Official Steps Down Amid Investigation. Estelle G. Matthews—chief talent development officer of the Philadelphia School District and known Ackerman crony—was escorted from the district’s administrative headquarters last night as she stepped down amid an investigation into alleged nepotism. Allegations indicate that Matthews was doling out raises to some employees while others were being terminated. [Inquirer]
Captain Raymond Lewis Warned by Commissioner Ramsey. Former Philadelphia Police captain Raymond Lewis—not to be confused with this Ray Lewis—has been issued a cease and desist letter following his arrest at Occupy Wall Street. Ramsey and company wrote that while they support his first amendment rights, they feel he was using his uniform improperly. [6 ABC]
NJ Stereotype Map Stirs Controversy. A satirical map labeling sections of New Jersey based on broad stereotypes has gone viral and is stirring up a bit of controversy. Camden was unsurprisingly dubbed “Worse Than Detroit,” and Shoobies will not be amused. [NBC Philadelphia]
Philly Passes Bouncer Training Bill. City Council passed a bill, with a unanimous vote, that will require all bouncers in the city to receive proper training. Here’s to hoping they don’t use Bas Rutten’s instructional videos. [CBS 3]
18th Annual Tree Lighting at Love Park. Last night, nearly 6,000 LED lights were illuminated on a 38-foot-tall tree in Love Park. Mayor Michael Nutter did the honors, and the City of Philadelphia Municipal Choir was on hand to belt out some holiday classics. [CBS 3]
NJ Volunteer Emergency Squad Members Stole From Organization. Two members of the Pemberton First Aid and Emergency squad have been charged with stealing from the organization. One man allegedly accepted a forged check for $485. The other is said to have dropped $20,000 on clothing, knives and a new computer. [NBC Philadelphia]