UPDATED: Raheem Brock Pulled an Allen Iverson on Police
Last week, while reporting on Seattle Seahawk (and former Eagle) Raheem Brock’s theft conviction in Philadelphia, I remembered his well-publicized 2010 arrest in Seattle on suspicion of DUI and wanted to include details in my post. I wasn’t able to find anything in the news about the case’s disposition, which was odd, so I waited until Washington State was awake and made some calls.
First, I reached out to Seattle’s municipal court, where a representative told me that since the November 13, 2010, arrest was made by the Washington State Patrol (sort of like our State Police but friendlier), I would have to contact them. A State Patrol trooper explained that although they were the ones who made the arrest and could provide details on that, I’d have to go to the King County prosecutor’s office for information on the resultant charges. The folks over at King County said yes, they were the right people to contact for charge information and case status, except that they couldn’t find a case against Brock. Naturally, they diverted me back to the Washington State Patrol.
My deadline upon me, I published the theft story on Thursday morning without noting the DUI. Later that night, Brock and the Seahawks defeated the Eagles 31 to 14. Not that I’m bitter.
Then on Friday, with Deadspin and the Huffington Post picking up my story about Brock’s theft conviction, I received a voicemail from Washington State Patrol spokesperson Trooper Julia Startup. “Although it appears from our side that all of the paperwork was sent through,” explained Startup, “unfortunately they were unable to locate it at King County Courthouse.”
In other words, someone “lost” the paperwork somewhere along the way, and charges were never filed. Startup added that she personally refiled the information with the prosecutor’s office and that charges could be forthcoming. The statute of limitations for DUI in Washington is two years. Yesterday, a spokesperson in the prosecutor’s office told me that “a filing decision still has not been made.”
Meanwhile, Officer Startup was kind enough to send me the original arrest documents, which indicate that Brock was pulled over at 2:35 a.m. after an officer observed his vehicle fishtailing and traveling at 90 mph on the interstate. Brock, who was alone in the vehicle, refused the field sobriety test and scored a .115 and .111 on the breathalyzer, with the legal limit in Washington being .08.
But the really interesting part of the report is buried a few pages in. According to the report, after being read his rights, Brock asked the police, “You guys don’t take care of your athletes out here?” The police asked Brock to explain what he meant. His response? “Every time I have been stopped out east, Chicago, New Jersey and Philadelphia,” replied Brock, “the cops either followed me home or gave me a ride.”
Of course, it’s not all that surprising to hear that a professional football player who makes more than $4 million a year gets preferential treatment. We imagine that to be the case, anyway, right? But Raheem, I’m pretty sure that you’re not actually supposed to tell anybody about it.
Anyway, good luck with that DUI charge, should the prosecutor decide that you should be treated like the rest of us.
UPDATE 12/7: The King County prosecutor has charged Brock with a DUI.