Pulse: Chatter: Handicapping Our Would-Be Mayors
Though the mayoral primaries are seven months away, there’s been a lot of chatter lately as to who might have what it takes to unseat the beleaguered incumbent. Here, which rumored parties might actually run, which won’t, and whether any of ’em have a snowball’s chance.
Tom Knox
The multimillionaire, self-funded ’07 loser said he will run if Katz doesn’t. Guess his portfolio must be performing well.
Bill Green IV
The City Councilman-at-Large is asked constantly, and he’d love to run, says political guru Larry Ceisler. But this 45-year-old son of former Mayor Green knows he has plenty of time, and will only take a shot if the numbers look really good.
John Street
The Nutter antagonist could be an effective spoiler—and knows it, though he seems reluctant. His prickly attitude and memories of his corruption-tainted administration wouldn’t help his chances.
Bob Brady
Running the town is basically Brady’s dream job. And if the Dems lose D.C. in the November midterms, then he, by extension, loses his cushy situation. Might be hard for him to resist.
Ed Rendell
Been there, done that. Still, a lot of nostalgics have been calling for a Rendell reprise, and with Fast Eddie, you never know for sure what’s gonna happen.
Sam Katz
Katz doesn’t want to rack up a fourth mayoral loss, and the only way he could win would be to build a coalition of old supporters plus folks who went for Street when Katz ran against him. But with rumors that Street is actually encouraging Katz, this could get interesting.
Anthony Williams
The state senator and former gubernatorial candidate has the experience and reputation to pull it off, but has privately said he won’t challenge his good friend Nutter, who eulogized his late father and endorsed him for governor.
Jonathan Saidel
You want a guy who can get us out of the financial mess we’re in? Former City Controller Saidel has the skill set—and great cred with black voters. Could be a sleeper candidate.
Alan Butkovitz
Some consider the City Controller a prime candidate for 2014, and though he couldn’t beat Nutter, he may see a 2011 run as a way to get his feet wet.