Jeffrey Lurie Is Worth $1 Billion
Forbes Say Lurie Is Worth $1 Billion. But that’s not as rich as Urban Outfitters’ honcho Dick Hayne, who’s worth $1.3 billion. Two more Philadelphians made the magazine’s list of richest folks. [Business Journal]
Street: Carl Greene Is “the Tiger Woods of Public Housing.” That’s what the former mayor said as the PHA board canned Greene for being “a true serial sexual harasser.” [6abc]
Creditors Win Auction for Inky & Daily News. They once again beat out a group made up of Ray Perelman and the carpenters union. Next step: Again trying to strike an agreement with the Teamsters, the lone holdouts among the unions. [Daily News]
Meehan Has An Edge Over Lentz in Delco Congressional Race. The influential Cook Political Report has changed its analysis of the race from a toss-up to leaning Republican. Not shockcing, since polls in most races look ugly for the Dems. [Daily News]
Former Mob Guy Opening a Restaurant. Angelo Lutz, the “Kitchen Consigliere,” is launching a new restaurant in Collingswood. He did nine years in the pokey for his mob activities. [Foobooz]
Will Delaware’s Mike Castle Run a Write-In Campaign? After losing to Tea Partier Christine O’Donnell, he says he hasn’t ruled it out. [6abc]
18 Area Museums Offering Free Admission on Saturday. It’s party of Smithsonian magazine’s Museum Day. Cool. [Pottstown Mercury]