Local Spotlight: Phreedum
Thankfully, “socially conscious” and “style” are no longer mutually exclusive — and Philly-native Ahyana King’s new tee shirt line Phreedum proves the point. Her shirts — through they’re striking, uplifting images that range from soldiers to superheroes — all grapple with one underlying question: What does it mean to be free? It’s her travels and hometown experiences that provide the inspiration, like the recent trip to San Francisco that inspired this “Filmore Girls” shirt, referring to the welcoming, culturally- free neighborhood in the bayside city that she envisioned girls from both coasts sporting.
Check out some of her line at Old City’s J. Karma or the complete collection, which will be online starting Friday. It might be worth the wait: When purchasing, customers can choose to provide a donation to a variety of nonprofit, community-based organizations.