Not Home for the Holiday

Grandmother’s house may not be the best-tasting place for a Thanksgiving celebration this year

Along with thousands of calories and the resulting extra pounds, the Thanksgiving meal is also notorious for adding stress to a cook’s life. If

Along with thousands of calories and the resulting extra pounds, the Thanksgiving meal is also notorious for adding stress to a cook’s life. If you’re finally fed up with the hassle of preparing a feast, consider a Turkey Day alternative. Whether you want the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie, or you want to pass on the customary fare, we've compiled a list of 22 restaurants ready to do all the cooking — and the dishes. Call individual restaurants for details.

Grill at the Ritz Carlton
Lacroix at the Rittenhouse
Prime Rib
Smith and Wollensky

Main Line
333 Belrose
Carmine’s Creole Café
Restaurant Taquet

Bucks County
Black Bass Hotel
Evermay on the Delaware
Yardley Inn

Chester County
Duling-Kurtz House
Ship Inn

Montgomery County
Joseph Ambler Inn
Pond Restaurant

South Jersey
La Campagne