How to Conquer Cancer in Philadelphia
The city is home to cutting-edge treatments and world-class physicians. But fighting cancer is about more than resources. From finding a cancer support network to enrolling in potentially lifesaving trials, this guide can remove some of the uncertainty.

Your guide to helpful resources for fighting cancer in Philadelphia.
When and where you’re diagnosed with cancer can make all the difference in whether you survive it. And if you live in the Philly region, you’ve immediately got a leg up: We’re home to multiple world-class cancer centers, the world’s most advanced cancer clinical trials, and cutting-edge innovations that make diagnosis and treatment faster and less invasive. But fighting cancer is about more than resources; it’s a process.
From finding a top cancer doctor to assembling your all-important support system and enrolling in potentially lifesaving studies, this guide can take some of the uncertainty away. And you’ll hear from real cancer survivors who’ve been through it all.
Early Warning Is the Best Defense.
Why it’s still so important to get screened for cancer.

Cancer screenings are still vitally important this year. Photograph via Radovanovic96/Getty Images
Earlier this year, Norman Sharpless, director of the National Cancer Institute, sounded an alarm on cancer screening in the wake of COVID-19. Sharpless predicted that over the next decade, the United States could see as many as 10,000 additional deaths from breast and colorectal cancer alone due to recent and unprecedented delays in cancer screenings and treatment. The message: Cancer screening is vitally important, even during a global pandemic. Keep reading here.
Cutting-Edge Care Is Changing Everything.
A peek at the medical marvels being pioneered right here.

Here’s how to access cutting-edge treatments and clinical trials here in Philly. Photograph by
Thana Prasongsin/Getty Images
So you’ve heard those three words: You’ve got cancer. The journey from diagnosis to the bell-ringing celebration can be a whirlwind. There’s so much to learn in so little time: What type of cancer do you have? What are the survival rates? What treatments are available, and where can you go to receive them? If your cancer doesn’t respond to treatment, what are your options? In Philly, you do have options. Keep reading here.
Assemble Your Support Network.
Why having the right people around you can make all the difference.

Here’s how to find your cancer support team in Philly. Photograph by Virojt Changyencham/Getty Images
While mapping out your cancer treatment plan is critical, so is finding a network of people to surround you throughout its course. Social and emotional support is one of the most critical components for survival, says Kelly Harris, chief executive officer of the Cancer Support Community Greater Philadelphia (CSCGP). A 2009 meta-analysis of cancer survival studies showed that perceived social support can lower your risk of dying from cancer by as much as 25 percent. Keep reading here.
Published as “How to Conquer Cancer in Philly” in the November 2020 issue of Philadelphia magazine.