Man Crush Monday: 12 Philly Dudes Bev Would Like to Find Under Her Mistletoe
Every week, Philly gay gents share their local picks for Man Crush Monday. Today, Philly drag queen—and Jesus’s homegirl–Bev.

Last Five Man Crush Mondays:
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Every week, Philly gay gents share their local picks for Man Crush Monday. Today, Philly drag queen—and Jesus’s homegirl–Bev.
Philadelphia: The City of Brotherly Love ... and Drag Queens. Everywhere you turn it seems another drag queen is claiming a new daughter, or sister, or enemy. Like rabbits, we tend to multiply while you're not even looking. What these baby queens don't realize is that the Drag World can be a treacherous place. You need a big handsome man by your side! Someone to carry your stuff, get you a cocktail, occasionally set (or be) a prop in your number. You need a Drag Husband! Here, 12 local men who would fit the bill just fine ...
Last Five Man Crush Mondays: