Handsome Gay Couple Become First to Marry in Allegheny County
Following in the foot steps of Montgomery County Register-of-Wills-turned-gay-hero D. Bruce Hanes, Braddock Mayor John Fetterman performed Allegheny County’s very first same-sex marriage last night. The happy couple? John Kandray and Bill Gray, who have been together for 11 years. More from CBS Pittsburgh:
When [Kandray and Gray] heard that Montgomery County was issuing licenses to same-sex couples, they went across the state to get one. And then they heard Braddock Mayor John Fetterman was willing to marry them. … “I just think it’s time people in Pennsylvania say, ‘Mr. Corbett, you know, tear down this law,'” Fetterman said. “DOMA is a fundamentally unjust piece of legislation.”
Read the rest of CBS Pittsburgh’s article and check out an accompanying video here.
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