Vote for Best of Philly: What’s Your Favorite Italian Restaurant?

Best New Italian restaurant 2016 winner: A Mano/Facebook
When it comes to Italian restaurants in this city, we have an embarrassment of riches. From the old-school red gravy houses of South Philly to the authentic, modern, and trendsetting eateries dotted throughout the region, Philadelphia has become a destination-city for pasta-twirlers ‘round the world.
Every year, we pluck one restaurant from the crowd and designate it the city’s best for our annual Best of Philly issue. This year, however, we’re leaving it up to you.
You’ve got 20 options to pick from, plus a write-in vote. You can cast your ballot once a day, now through February 21st, and while you’re at it, you can also enter to win two tickets to the Best of Philly party. Get voting.
Vote Now for Your Favorite Italian Restaurant [Philly Mag]