Shake Shack News: Bubbles And Buns
Our friends over at Be Well Philly already reported on half of the Shake Shack news of the day–the fact that, as of yesterday, all Shake Shack locations now have gluten-free buns for those of you out there with unresolved wheat issues.
But there’s something else new happening at the Shack, too. Something a bit more exciting than a choice of bread.
Beginning yesterday, all Shake Shack locations began serving Mionetto Prosecco alongside their beer selections. They’re offering it in 375ml bottles right at the counter, and as anyone with any taste whatsoever will tell you, there are really very few things in this world better to pair with a nice, crisp bubbly wine than a big, bloody cheeseburger.
Seriously, remember that movie Sideways? At the very end when Paul Giamatti goes into the burger joint to wash down a burger and some onion rings with a ’62 Cheval Blanc drunk out of a styrofoam cup? Yeah, everyting about that scene is perfect, except that it would’ve been even better if he was drinking champagne.
Anyway, if you don’t believe me, then I suggest you go try it out for yourself. Get a double with cheese, some fries and a bottle of the Mionetto prosecco and tell me that it doesn’t just make your day.
Shake Shack [f8b8z]