Happy Beaujolais Nouveau Day!

Corkscrew and bottle of wine on the board

In case you didn’t know it, today is Beaujolais Nouveau Day–that magical third Thursday in November when the year’s first bottles of Beaujolais get opened (and drunk).

In celebration of that day, we offer you this–a video from the crew at Tria in which wine director Michael McCaulley, worried that he isn’t French enough, goes through a Rocky-inspired training montage in order to get himself up to speed.

My favorite moment was the cameo by Georges Perrier (a moment that all of us who’ve spent enough time around Philly restaurants have had, IRL), but that’s all I’m saying. You’ll have to check it out for yourself to see what happens next.

Beaujolais All Day at all the Tria cafes is happening right now–$8 all day long. So get there if you’re in the mood to celebrate.

Tria [Official]