Dizenpitaphobia Leads To Magic Pretzel & Hummus Mashup

Hummus + Pretzel = Magic
A while back we tweeted about Dizenpitaphobia – the fear of running out of pita before you finish your hummus at Dizengoff. The retort was fairly unanimous, bad on us for not preemptively ordering a second pita. And we’ve taken that to heart when we lunch at the Sansom Street hummusiya. But on Sunday a post-Eagles crew rolled into the new Whole Foods for some celebratory beers and hummus from Dizengoff and we came up with a genius new solution to Dizenpitaphobia.
We’ve already told you about the Cheu Noodle Bar, Wiz Kid and Dizengoff at the giant new Whole Foods. But those stands are far from the only homegrown touches at the new grocery market at 22nd and Pennsylvania. One of the other local options is a cart packed full of Center City Pretzels. for the same price as an extra pita from Dizengoff, the doughy pretzel makes an amazing, salty partner to Dizengoff’s irresistible hummus.
So we give the world the Ditzel and encourage everyone to try this Philly-only mashup.