New (Shorter) Prix Fixe Menu Coming To Marigold Kitchen
Under normal circumstances, dinner at Marigold Kitchen is a fairly intensive affair. It’s a “14-course avant garde dining experience” that’ll run you $90 and is totally worth it if you’re into that kind of thing (which I am). They’re beautiful, unique, creative menus executed with remarkable skill by a team that has dedicated itself to precisely this kind of high-wire weirdness for years.
But now, they’re lightening things up just a little bit. Starting, well, tonight, Marigold is offering an abbreviated, six-course menu for $60.
So let’s see what’s for dinner, shall we?
The whole idea for this new menu came from two summers’ worth of test kitchen dinners which offered a quicker, less intensive Marigold experience. But chef and co-owner Andrew Kochan also said that some people who came to those dinners wondered why the full, 14-course dinner wasn’t available. So this new plan? It’s a way to make everyone happy at the same time.
“This new system allows us to cater to whichever people prefer,” Kochan says. “While maintaining the quality of food and service that people have come to expect of Marigold Kitchen.”
As for what kind of dishes will make up the new, 6-course Marigold experience? Well, the house has always been a little weird about releasing their menus (they like dinner to be a surprise), but they did offer this:
The menu will include all of the whimsical and creative dishes that Marigold Kitchen is known for. The new menu features Who Spilled the Beans? a trio of beans are bound by a delicate white bean puree and seasoned with house bacon before being “spilled” onto the plate and decorated with a garlic nougatine and wild flowers: Smoked Halibut hickory smoked and served with everything-spiced cream cheese, pickled red onions, capers and bagel chips; A Complete Breakfast cured pork belly breaded with Cheerios and served with a 142° egg yolk, toast and orange marmalade; Flank Steak of Veal set atop a creamy polenta and topped with seared foie gras, served with a rich jus, Georgia peach chutney and arugula; Summer Melon spheres of cantaloupe and honeydew macerated in black pepper simple syrup and paired with crème fraîche ice cream, vin cotto and chopped almonds; Wonderball lime kettle corn, lime caviar and corn custard lie hidden beneath a dome of dark chocolate, to be cracked open by the guest.
Which actually sounds like the whole menu to me. And that last one sounds kinda cool, right? Yeah, and it looks even better than it sounds. Check out the snaps of each of these dishes, in order.
Who Spilled The Beans?
Smoked Halibut
A Complete Breakfast
Flank Steak Of Veal
Summer Melon
Marigold Kitchen [f8b8z]