And Like That, They Were Gone: Abe Met Diz Was a Hit

When Abe Met Diz Was a Big Hit | Photo via Cook N Solo
On Saturday night, Abe met Diz and 15 minutes later it was over. The pastrami pita pop-up at Mike Solomonov’s Dizengoff saw 50-sandwiches walk out the door starting at 10 p.m. By 10:15 the final sandwich had been snapped up.
But have no fear, the pop-up returns the next three Saturday nights (September, 17, September, 24 and October, 1) for pastrami tucked into a caraway rye pita and topped with beet-pickled turnips, dill tehina, sumac slaw and fried onions. Also back is the frozen riesling – which was also a big success. Dizengoff will have more frozen riesling on hand as many showed up just for the icy wine.
But there is one big change. The pop-up now will begin at 8 p.m. now, with doors opening at Dizengoff at 7:30 p.m.
The sandwiches are $12 each and we suggest getting there early.
Dizengoff [Foobooz]