Five Saints Distilling Grand Opening This Weekend
These days, it sometimes seems like we’re announcing new distillery openings every week. As a matter of fact, we just did a big list of all the distilleries in the region last week, and it’s already out-of-date. It’s boom-time, folks. And that is nothing but good news for all the drinkers out there looking to keep it local.
So on that note, there’s this: On Saturday, July 23, Five Saints Distilling in Norristown is going to be celebrating its grand opening. They’ve been up and operating for a little while now in the old Humane Fire Engine Co. #1 building at 129 East Main Street, but this is their big coming out party. And they’re celebrating in the proper way, with food trucks, live music, tours of the distillery and firehouse and, of course, cocktails.
At the moment, it looks like they’re only pouring vodka and white whiskey, but if summer Saturdays weren’t made for drinking moonshine with your friends and neighbors, I don’t know what they’re for at all.
The party starts at 11am and goes ’til 11pm. You can check out the details on the Five Saints Facebook page.
Five Saints Distilling [Official]