It’s A Vegan Mac And Cheese Mac-Down

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Over on Be Well Philly, our healthy compatriots are getting excited over a vegan mac-and-cheese smack-down that’s going to be happening on May 1st in University City. Three things about this are exciting.

Thing 1) The competition is allowing both amateurs and professionals to enter.

Thing 2) If you don’t want to put your own mac-and-cheese up for judgement, you can just show up to the event and eat all the mac-and-cheese you can hold.

Thing 3) Seeing that it’s VEGAN mac-and-cheese, you’re going to see some interesting interpretations because competitors won’t be able to simply depend on making something gooey and cheesy and then throwing some lobster in it in order to win.

Anyway, Be Well has all the details. So you should get over there and check it out. Which you can do by clicking on the link below.

There’s A Vegan Mac And Cheese Contest Happening In Philly Next Month [Be Well Philly]