Tashan Is Closing

The tandoor ovens will cool after September 7th.
Tashan, the high-end Indian restaurant from Tiffin founder Munish Narula will close after dinner service on Monday, September 7th.
The attractive restaurant opened almost exactly four years ago to excellent reviews but never became the hard-to-get a reservation, must-be-seen-at restaurant that Narula envisioned it would become, and many, including this site practically demanded it be.
Narula will continue to expand his Tiffin empire. The quick-serve and delivery chain is up to nine locations with three having opened in New Jersey in the past year. A release from a representative of Narula called additional Tiffin locations “inevitable.”
Tashan, which means “style or “flair” delivered that and Indian food that was head-and-shoulders above the region’s bargain buffet Indian restaurants that dictate what many think of the cuisine. In addition to the local accolades, opening chef Sylva Senat received two James Beard Award nominations while manning the kitchen. After Senat’s departure the restaurant lost some of its flair and battled to draw a consistent crowd to the South Broad Street corner that looked out on a gas station and fried chicken joint.
For doubters of the concept, four years is longer than they expected Tashan to survive, but for the believers, its closing is a defeat.
Tashan [Foobooz]