Look Who’s Coming to Dinner at Aldine
Aldine chef George Sabatino received this heritage breed, Mulefoot pig from Alafia River Heritage Farms in Florida. The farm is owned by his wife and Aldine co-owner Jennifer Sabatino’s family. The pig, which was raised in the woods on the family farm, was then slaughtered and sent up north as a gift to Aldine and the Sabatinos.
The pig arrived yesterday and George got to butchering the animal, and will be featuring it in a number of dishes on Aldine’s menu as soon as this weekend. Sabatino also plans on turning some of the 250 pounds of pork into sausage, charcuterie and other fun stuff.
Check out the fine cuts Sabatino got off the animal:
Sexy fat on the jowls. #nofilter #herefordcomestoaldine
A photo posted by George Sabatino (@gwsabatino) on
A photo posted by George Sabatino (@gwsabatino) on
Aldine [Foobooz]