Independence Beer Garden Adds Happy Hour, Yards Exclusive

New beer from Yards at IBG Wheat.
Michael Schulson’s Independence Beer Garden at 6th and Market has added happy hour. The happy hour includes $4 beer, wine and cocktail specials from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Sunday through Thursday. There’s also a $4 happy hour menu of food like corn croquettes, beef sliders and spit roasted chicken wings.
Also new is a new beer offering, IBG Wheat is a summer wheat brewed with Yards Brewing. The flavor is described as “candied sugar, orange peel, banana, clove, pepper, grass, lemon” and comes in at 6.5% alcohol by volume.
Independence Beer Garden has already gotten into our heavy rotation this year, the shuffleboard to the addictive popcorn has made us fans. And a special shoutout to Brooke, a server at IBG who might just be the nicest person in Philadelphia.
On Property: Tweet Tease: You’re One Step Closer to La Colombe on Independence Mall
Independence Beer Garden [Foobooz]