Drexel’s Philly Chef Conference Has Something for Everyone

Drexel University’s Center for Hospitality and Sports Management is putting on its second Philly Chef Conference on Sunday, January 11th and Monday, January 12th. Though Monday’s sessions are for Philadelphia hospitality professionals, Sunday’s sessions have something for the general public as well.

For just $20, the public is invited to attend Sunday’s opening sessions. There are two panels and a keynote address by acclaimed baker and teacher, Peter Reinhart. The event runs from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Bossone Research Center, Mitchell Auditorium at 3201 Market Street.

The first panel will feature a discussion of Pennsylvania liquor laws and the affect they have on restaurants and consumers in Philadelphia. Moderator Jason Malumed of Chalkboard Wine & Spirits will be joined by Melissa Bova of Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association, Steve Wildy of Vetri Family of Restaurants, State Senator Chuck McIlhinney and a representative from the PLCB.

The second panel focuses on Philly 2020, a look into the future of Philadelphia’s dining scene. Sam Katz will lead a discussion that will include Jeff Benjamin of Vetri Family, Kevin Sbraga of Sbraga Dining,  Joncarl Lachman of Noord, Marcie Turney of Barbuzzo, and Rob Keddie of Garces Group.

Tickets are on sale now and available on the Drexel web site.

Philly Chef Conference [Official]