The Dirt: What To Get At The Farmers Market This Weekend
You might have heard that Questlove dined at Abe Fisher the other night, but he’s not the only one of the roots back in town this week! Look for these others at your local farmer’s market…
Parsnips – Creamy, dense, and sweet, these relatives of parsley and carrot add savory richness to almost any preparation of fall veggies. Though they’ll be around as a storage crop for months, they’re at their best right now while they’re coming out of the fields. Look for these ivory-colored taproots at Wimer’s Organic (Bryn Mawr) or at Countryside Bakery & Farm (Fairmount).
Beets – Pretty much every vegetable grower coming to market has some kind of beets on the table at the moment. Look for red beets, golden ones, the cherry striped Chioggia variety from Hilltop Farm (Rittenhouse), Rambling Roots Farm (Rittenhouse), Landisdale Farm (Chestnut Hill, Clark Park), and Taproot Farm (N3rd), or make a trip to Headhouse to try North Star Orchard’s own variety called Rainbow beets.
Rutabagas – Let’s be honest: rutabagas are never going to be the thing that sends people running to market–or anywhere really–but that doesn’t mean that we should write off these versatile roots. They have a milder flavor than purple-topped turnips and, once cooked, they have a sweet, multidimensional richness. Try them paired with potatoes in almost any preparation. Look for them on the table at Landisdale Farm at either the Chestnut Hill or Clark Park markets.
Carrots – This should be obvious, right? Even children eat carrots! Look for juicy orange ones fresh out of the field at Hilltop Farm (Rittenhouse) or Taproot Farm (N3rd, Chestnut Hill). For something special head to Headhouse to try a variety of carrots called “Dragon.” This type has deep red skin, orange flesh, and a pale yellow core. Plus, they’re called Dragon carrots. What’s not to like?
Radishes – Blooming Glen Farm is bringing some serious radish game to Headhouse these days! No fewer than three varieties – watermelon, black, green meat – are gracing their table.
Turnips – Pick up a bunch of sweet, moony Hakurei turnips from Weaver’s Way Farm at Headhouse this weekend. Not only are the juicy, mildly spicy roots excellent in a salad, but the greens are excellent sautéed with a little chili and eaten with scrambled eggs.
Find something great at your local market? Instagram it and tag accordingly: @foobooz #fooboozthedirt