Sample Prison Food… Without Prison
The popular event is back this year, featuring a dish that most likely won’t end up having you beg for the recipe. This Saturday and Sunday, June 14th and 15th, from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern State Penitentiary is hosting Prison Food Weekend. And on the menu this year is the controversial Nutraloaf, an item that is served as a punishment for many American prisoners today. The event is giving participants a sample of Nutraloaf that was made using the official recipes from Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Maryland. Visitors will also be able to check out sample menus, prison reports and more.
Nutraloaf is generally accepted in prisons as a form of punishment, though the issue does remain controversial. After you’ve sampled the product, you can write your thoughts on a taste card and decide for yourself whether or not it is cruel punishment. So while it may not be the tastiest event we’ve ever written about, you’ll get a sample of something you’ve wanted to know about, but hoped you’d never have to.
Prison Food Weekend [Official]