Peter Woolsey Stepping Away from the Kitchen a Bistrot La Minette

Peter Woolsey | Photo via COOK
Peter Woolsey has been the face of Bistrot La Minette since it opened almost six years ago. But with another restaurant project on the horizon, Woolsey is turning over the day-to-day running of his restaurant to Kenneth Bush, a longtime employee who also has had experience working for the Garces Group.
Woolsey wouldn’t go into details regarding the new project but we have previously reported that Woolsey has been tagged as the man in the kitchen for the restaurant coming to the FringeArts space at Delaware Avenue and Race Street.
Below is the email he sent out to his customers in his monthly email newsletter.
The Bistrot has been open now for 5½ years. I have been involved with the Bistrot closer to 7½ years when I count all the funding, design, construction and menu development into the equation. In this time I have accomplished most everything I had set out to do from the beginning. My goal is for Bistrot La Minette to continue to run as an authentic French bistro for many years to come.Currently, I am working on a new restaurant project, and while I would love to tell everyone all about it, my lips are sealed until the details are set in stone. This new project consumes a large portion of my time, so while I devote myself to opening this new restaurant, I have hired Kenneth Bush as the new Executive Chef of Bistrot La Minette.
Kenny worked several years for the Bistrot, starting on the garde manger station and working his way up to sous chef before leaving to work for the Garces Restaurant Group. Originally from New York, Kenny has a degree from Yale and a professional background, not only as a chef, but in managing restaurants. He is a great cook, smart, and knows how to execute our menu perfectly. I have given him some very specific goals; first, to keep Bistrot La Minette as authentic as possible; second, to continue to push the restaurant forward both in cuisine and service; and third, to retain all of the elements that keep this restaurant special, as you have come to expect.
This does not mean that I won’t be around. I still own the restaurant and I am very invested in its future. I will be meeting with Kenny and Brad Histand, our general manager, at least weekly. You will probably see me there but no longer in a chef jacket in the kitchen. So please, say hello to Kenny the next time you see him. Under Kenny’s watch, the Bistrot is sure to prosper.
If you have questions, let me know via email. I’d love to hear from you!
Bistrot La Minette [Foobooz]