The Dirt: What To Get At The Farmer’s Market This Weekend
I’m having trouble getting excited about vegetables today, but it’s not because vegetables aren’t exciting. Frankly, it’s because all I can think about is the local chicken fried in pasture-raised beef fat that I ate last night at the Kensington Quarters fried chicken pop up. I’m serious people–if you want some seriously indulgent local meat-eating fun, don’t miss your final chance next Thursday. In the meantime, I’ll treasure the memory of that meal by cooking up my own versions of some of the things served along with it.
Braising Greens Mustard, turnip, collard, kale, or chard, you can’t go wrong with a giant pot of greens. Taproot Farm at the Chestnut Hill market has a great mix of Asian and mustard greens with red russian kale. Stew them with bacon and a little hot pepper vinegar like they do down south, or mix up a slow-cooked, Indian-spiced, vegan version and you will feel as though you’re doing yourself a favor.
Sweet Potatoes Look. I shouldn’t have to tell you to eat sweet potatoes. They’re tasty, they caramelize beautifully, and they’re effortless: prick them with a fork a few times and throw them in a hot oven for what’s basically the easiest dinner ever. I’m sure that even your children will eat them. If not, send them (the potatoes, not your children) to me.
Pickles Not fancy, probiotic ferments, but old school vinegar-brined pickles are what you want to eat with fried chicken–or with pretty much anything. Hit up Forest View Bakery at the Clark Park market for chow chow, pickled watermelon rind, and other briny goodness. You could probably also pick up a whoopie pie or some cinnamon buns. I promise not to judge you.
Cornbread Surely there’s cornbread to be purchased at a local farmer’s market, but you could also make your own using Cayuga Pure Organics cornmeal and local buttermilk from the Fair Food Farmstand. If you see scallions you should definitely throw those in, too.
Find something great at your local market? Instagram it and tag accordingly: @foobooz #fooboozthedirt