West Philly Restaurant Falsely Accused of Serving Cats

Photo by Charles Mostoller via the Metro
On December 2nd, the Metro ran a story about the Pennsylvania State Senate considering a bill that would make it illegal to breed cats and dogs to eat. It would be only the seventh state to enact such legislation. Author Tommy Rowan asks George Bogle, the Pennsylvania SPCA’s director of law enforcement if he knew of any such circumstance. He recounted the story of a West Philadelphia restaurant that was butchering cats in its basement. Bogle refuses to give the name or address since the restaurant has since closed and reopened under new ownership.
But that hasn’t stopped some on the Internet from accusing Danny’s Wok of being the guilty restaurant. The Metro ran a follow-up yesterday exonerating Danny Cheng’s eighteen year-old Baltimore Avenue restaurant but that has hardly slowed the anger being expressed towards Cheng on his restaurant’s Facebook page. The Metro also reports that he’s now getting 100 calls a day harassing him.
It all started when a Facebook user named Buffy Mason posted the Metro’s original story on Danny’s Wok’s Facebook page and accused the restaurant of being the guilty party. Never mind that Cheng’s restaurant doesn’t have a basement or has been in business 18 years, not the 11 that Bogle references.
Cheng says business has dried up in the wake of the accusation. So if you’re in the area, do Cheng a solid and try stop in to try his well regarded chicken wings.
Philadelphia Asian restaurant falsely accused of selling cat and dog meat [Metro Philadelphia]
Danny’s Wok [Facebook]