Everyone’s a Winner in These Chef Moves

Nick Macri

Nick Macri at Hop Chef

Michael Klein has the story on some major chef shuffling that’s been happening around town. Aaron Gottesman, who until recently you could spot whipping up lamb dishes behind the counter at the Reading Terminal’s Border Spring Farms is moving on to Kevin Sbraga’s Fat Ham. Gottesman was a participant in Foobooz’s first ever Open Stove night at Cook. Back then he was planning on working in Jen Carroll’s Concrete Blonde kitchen.

The opening at Border Springs is being filled by Hop Chef champion and Southwark chef, Nick Macri. Macri gets daytime hours and the opportunity to butcher, which is something he enjoys.

So that left Southwark with an opening that will be filled by Sam Jacobson. Jacobson won boatloads of praise while working at Sycamore. For much of the past year, Sam’s been traveling and working a stint working in the Pacific Northwest. He recently returned home to Philadelphia and has been helping out at Cerise on the Main Line. The London native and Tottenham Hotspur fan tells us he’s excited to be back in the kitchen, especially one bigger than the closet sized kitchen at Sycamore. He’s officially starting in a couple of weeks but is already working on menu plans.

So good news all around and we look forward to trying each chef’s new work.