Federal Donuts, Local Beer and More from Citizens Bank Park
Federal Donuts Fried Chicken has arrived at Citizens Bank Park.
Friday I went to Citizens Bank Park to see first-hand how the new Federal Donuts stand would fare as well as to check out the new Alley Brewing Co. on Ashburn Alley.
Being that they are Federal Donuts, the stand did indeed sell out. The fried chicken lasted just as long as Kyle Kendrick, both bowing out after 5 and 2/3rd innings or just short of two hours after first pitch. The whole Federal Donuts brain trust was on hand to oversee the operation. Thomas Henneman told us that the first two on-deck series games were vital in working out the kinks. But some hiccups remained, there were problems with the doughnut batter, the Citizens Bank Park doughnuts were much puffier than those found at the other locations. Henneman wasn’t entirely pleased with the fried chicken either. But as Bob Logue pointed out. Friday was leaps and bounds above where they were a week before and would continue to improve (and of course have enough chicken to last an entire game).
The Citizens Bank Park location of Federal Donuts offers two varieties of fried chicken; chili-garlic glazed and naked. The two-piece chicken box with honey dipped doughnut is $9.75. A two pack of brown sugar and cinnamon dusted doughnuts are $3.75.
As for the taste, the chicken isn’t quite as succulent as the other locations but the chili-garlic glaze is dead-on. Hot doughnuts are well hot doughnuts, tough to beat and the coating is identical to the other Federal Donuts locations.

But man cannot live by fried chicken and doughnuts alone. There also needs to be beer and Citizens Bank has you covered. Unlike the embarrassment that is Yankee Stadium’s new Craft Beer Destination, Citizens Bank Park does a good job catering to people who might like a beer that actually tastes like beer.
New this year is the Alley Brewing Co. on Ashburn Alley. Billed as a beer garden, that’s a serious stretch, but the stand does offer 18 taps, though many are doubled and tripled up. Anheuser Busch is represented in Shock Top and AB/InBev owned Goose Island. Also on tap was Victory’s Alley Brewing Co. Lager, an easy drinking lager made exclusively for the Phillies ballpark. The other local occupying taps was Troegs Dreamweaver, a welcome alternative to Shock Top. Most beer are $8, though some of the craft bottles and Goose Island beers are “super premium,” and go for $9.25.
Elsewhere in the stadium there is now a dedicated gluten-free stand that offers GF cheesesteaks and barbecue pork sandwiches as well as Redbridge Beer. Also of note for celiac sufferers, Angry Orchid cider is available at many locations around the stadium.
For more beer information check out the amazing Good Brews at Citizens Bank Park for Phillies Phans spreadsheet from Chocolate Covered Memories. It lists all the locations to get better beer around the ballpark. It’s an impressive undertaking.
If you’re counting calories, check out Be Well Philly’s Calorie Guide to Citizens Bank Park. Though there is a lot of gluttony, don’t forget Citizens Bank Park has also won PETA’s most vegetarian friendly ballpark multiple times.