Have You Got Your Tickets For #PhillyCooks Yet?
If you have, then good. You are an intelligent, well-organized human and will no doubt have a blast stuffing your face and getting weird when the Big Event kicks off at 6:30pm on February 28.
If you’ve been intending to buy your tickets but were just waiting for a little reminder, consider this your wake-up call. Tickets to the February 28 party at the old Strawbridge’s are still on sale now, but we’re filling up fast, so…you know. You might want to get on that. Like, now. Check out the Philly Cooks 2013 event page for all the details.
But, if you are just lazy, broke or a seriously cheap bastard clever consumer, Foobooz loves you anyway and is here to help. We’re giving away a pair of free tickets to the Big Event to one lucky Twitterator who tweets this post with the #PhillyCooks hashtag in the headline.
No, seriously. That’s all it takes. Hit that little tweet button down there and you’re entered into the drawing. We’ll announce the randomly-selected winner at the end of the week.
Philly Cooks Tickets [Official]