Weeknight Specials at The Industry

The newly opened The Industry is holding fun meal specials on Sunday and Monday nights. On Sundays from 10-1 a.m. chef Pat Szoke will be serving a public Staff Meal: the same dishes the staff is served after hours for the public for just $6 a plate.

The Industry Burger gets the spotlight during Monday Night Burgers and Bubbles. The quarter-pound ground brisket with lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickled mayo will be served one of two ways: either with a glass of sparkling cava or brut rose for $11 or with a bottle of Miller High Life (“The Champagne of Beers”) for $7.50. Tuesdays also feature a five-bottle bucket of High Life for $10 each.

And in their regular homage to the restaurant biz, card-carrying industry workers will get 20% off seven days a week.

The Industry [Official Site]