Inspector General Takes Aim at PLCB
In a pair of unflattering reports regarding the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, the state Inspector General finds that LCB employees have lax work habits and top officials accept gifts. In the first report, the LCB’s seven administrative law judges are accused of often showing up late, leaving early, taking long lunches and sometimes not reporting their vacations.
The second report details accusations that top officials including the current and previous CEOs of the Board accepted gifts of alcohol, tickets to sporting events and golf rounds from liquor vendors. The report goes on to describe how Conti dangled a wine boutique similar to Jose Garces’ in the same email he requests a job for his daughter.
Meanwhile Pennsylvania’s push to privatize liquor sales have just about ground to a halt.
LCB judges’ work habits faulted [Philadelphia Inquirer]
Top LCB officials said to take gifts, favors from vendors [Philadelphia Inquirer]
Privatization last call? Nah [Philadelphia Inquirer]