About Last Night: The Night Market, In Photos

So last night was the year’s first Night Market and we had Yoni Nimroad (of Cook fame, and current occasional photo ninja for the Foobooz Mobile Party Unit) on scene with his camera to capture the sights and scenes.

While a picture might be worth a thousand words, it’s also worth zero calories, so if you couldn’t make last night’s Night Market, maybe these snaps will show you what you missed. On the other hand, if you were there, now you’ll have a record of all the awesomeness to show your friends. And who knows? Maybe Yoni made you famous…

Obviously, our intrepid shooter made a beeline for Pitruco the minute he showed up–which you can tell by the fact that it’s still light out.

Early birds get worms. Early photographers get pizza.

More smart folks lining up early.

Smoke Truck was a big draw last night. Why?

Because look at that friggin’ menu! I’ll take one of everything, then one more of everything on the side.

The smart consumer knows that Jesus gave us two hands so that we can hold two sausages at the same time. (Anyone who makes a sausage joke here is a Communist.)

The line at Renaissance was long and winding.

Look! It’s Anderson Cooper at Rival Coffee! (Okay, not really)

I was looking for the YOU MUST BE AT LEAST THIS TALL TO ATTEND THE NIGHT MARKET sign everywhere…

The scene after the sun went down: An intimate party for you and 20,000 of your closest friends.

One of the (many) reasons I like Sugar Philly? You have to eat your macaroons before you can have dessert.

Guapos Tacos, making its appearance.

Casing the joint, plotting their big Food Truck Heist…

Night Market: The Aftermath

How The Night Market Got So Cool [Foobooz]