Philly’s Favorite Italian Restaurants

Photo courtesy htomren, via the Foobooz Flickr Pool

So our compadres here at Philadelphia magazine have got it in their heads to start a project dealing with Italian restaurants in Philly and, of course, they have requested that Foobooz World HQ get involved–mostly because they are always seeing members of our staff wandering the halls with red sauce stains on their shirts or tucked away in offices sleeping off the effects of lunchtime meatball parm sandwiches and bottles of Lambrusco. Frankly, I think they’re just jealous…

But regardless, we have decided to toss this question out to you, the loyal Foobooz readers and experts and so are asking a simple question: What are your favorite Italian restaurants in Philadelphia and, equally as important, why? All styles qualify–from the most humble of red gravy joints to the those requiring the fanciest of pants. And the “why” can be anything from the delicious pasta to the charming little old man who has played accordion in the dining room every Thursday night for a hundred years.

So speak loud and speak proud. Answer as often as you like. Don’t let your favorite spot get overlooked.

You know the drill: Answers in the comments section below.