Supper’s New LaFrieda Burger

Brian from Bridges, Burgers and Beer can get very excited about a good burger. When he had the new LaFrieda custom blend burger from Supper we received a tweet, then a text, and when he wrote this post we got an email. To say he was excited for this would be an understatement.

When we were at Lemon Hill earlier this week we were discussing the burger with Supper’s Mitch Prensky, he was almost as excited about the burger at BB&B. He also noted that the patty melt at Lemon Hill is made from that same blend he’s serving at Supper.

So we kind of think we know where Brian will be this weekend.

Supper – Supper Burger [Bridges, Burgers and Beer]
Supper [Official Site]
Lemon Hill Menu [Facebook]