Year In Review: May

Charlie Brown from Jake’s Sandwich Board | Photo by Zoey Sless-Kitain


Dish of the Month

Bloody Beet Steak – The Farm and Fisherman

“Take that beet. Served on a cool, white swipe of housemade yogurt, the roasted and smashed root looked bloody indeed, as red and black as a prizefighter’s mug. The crispy, singed skin, peeling back like the petals of a dark Amazon flower. The drops of balsamic, aged and wise. The splatter of intensely savory “pan drippings,” nothing more — and yet much, much more — than stuck-in-the-pan beet bits and shallots, deglazed with sherry vinegar and chicken stock and finished with butter.” Adam Erace, City Paper

Quote of the Month

 “But, hey. You got me. You got some sucker to pay good money for a slice that rightly belonged under glass in the Museum Of Bad Ideas In Pizza. Congratulations, champ. You saved the company a few cents in pawning off Methuselah’s leftovers on me. And while sure, I might’ve gotten just what I deserved (being so stupid as to go for the Buffalo chicken pizza in the first place), you really made the lesson stick by reminding me just how bad a bad thing can be. Well played, sir. Well played.”Jason Sheehan, on the old slice of buffalo chicken pizza he bought at Tony A’s

Notable Openings

Arrow Swim ClubFareFrankford HallRotisseurWedge & Fig

Notable Closings

Harry G OchsHaruHoof + FinJamesMarathon Grill (40th Street)Naked Chocolate Cafe