Vedge and Cichonski’s Projects Move Forward
Now that we know Chris Painter is heading to Noble’s space on Sansom Street we thought we’d check in with projects happening at the two other spots his name was attached.
Once upon a time Painter’s Il Pittore was slated for the Ansill space but that deal fell through. Now Jason Cichonski and his friends have been gleefully swinging sledge hammers as they do their own demolition within the 3rd and Bainbridge spot. Grub Street reports that Cichonski is aiming for a mid-October opening and he still has no name for the project. Cichonski describes the concept as “good food without any technical or cultural baggage.”
At the former Deux Cheminees on Locust Street, another Il Pittore target, Rich Landau tells us things are progressing on Vedge but slower than expected, which is to be expected. Landau is aiming for a late (very late) September opening. In the meantime you can be titillated by the brand new splash page on Vedge’s web site.
Meanwhile Back at Third and Bainbridge [Grub Street]