Greatest Hits and What You Missed: Stephen Starr, The Zahav Boat, Art In The Age and Some (Food) Porn

“One of the most fun events of last summer was Zahav’s Down the Shore night. There were exceptional takes on boardwalk food from nine local chefs and then night turned into an epic dance party with a Journey cover band. It will be a hard act to follow but we’re pleased to see that “Captain” Michael Solomonov and his crew of Pierre Calmels (Bibou), Jennifer Carroll (10 Arts), Monica Glass (10 Arts), David Katz (Meme), John Taus (The Corner), and Peter Woolsey (Bistrot La Minette) are going to try with a cruise-themed night on Thursday, June 30th. The Zahav Boat sets sail at 6 p.m. with a $60 all-you-can-eat-and-drink night that will also include a ’70s DJ, lounge singer and karaoke.”

Jesus, that sounds like a fun party. You can find all the details here.