Greatest Hits and What You Missed: Stephen Starr, The Zahav Boat, Art In The Age and Some (Food) Porn

“In case you missed it, his Stephen-ness was on FOX Business a couple days ago, talking about his restaurants, himself, making it work in a tough economy and what he’s got planned for the rest of the year. Other topics discussed:

–Lorne Michaels (that’s who Starr wanted to be when he grew up, back when he was still in TV)

–Madonna (he promoted one of her concerts after giving up on TV and getting into the music biz)

–Frankford Hall and Talula’s Garden (without ever mentioning either by name)

–Why You Suck (or, at least, why you should assume that your idea for a restaurant does)”

From “Stephen Starr on Food, Theater, And Why You Suck