Greatest Hits and What You Missed: Burgers, Peeps, Donuts and Fork & Barrel Fallout

“If you are the kind of person who would consider getting up before dawn just to attend the opening of a new donut shop in Center City, then I probably don’t need to tell you that the Krispy Kreme going in at the corner of 16th and Chestnut now has an officially scheduled opening date of May 4. I’m sure there are a certain number of you out there who’ve already got that day circled in red on your calendars. And maybe a few more who are counting down the days, minutes and hours until that HOT DONUTS NOW sign finally starts to glow.

But even you total fanatics who’ve got the date tattooed on your necks so you see it every morning while shaving might not know that the good people at the Krispy Kreme home office have got a little something special planned for the big day in Center City. It’s a giveaway, sure. But it’s a big giveaway.”

Find out what it is (and what you have to do to get it) by reading “Krispy Kreme’s Opening Day: Yes, You Should Start Planning Now